Volunteer Opportunities
Our Mission
“The Kerr County Women’s Chamber, Inc., is a community inter-action organization. Our mission is to work for the betterment of the Kerrville area community through charitable, civic, and environmental projects and programs.”
To accomplish our mission, opportunities exist for our members to serve both the organization and our community.
The following are ways you can get involved:
Serve on a Committee –
The Committee List outlines the working committees of the KCWC. Find one or two that interest you and go to work!
Serve as an officer –
Each year the Nominating Committee looks for members who are willing to share their expertise and commitment as an officer. The requirements are a willingness to serve and current member status.
Serve as a committee chair –
Let an officer know if you are willing to chair or co-chair a committee that interests you.
Civic Involvement –
Often, the KCWC will volunteer to help other organizations with their events. Examples include the Kerr County Fair, Texas Arts & Crafts Fair, Earth Day, Senior Games, etc. This is done through the “Volunteers To Go” program of our Good Will Committee.
Throughout the year there are various opportunities to be involved. The Kerr County Women’s Chamber relies on active members and you are so appreciated!!!!