New Member Information


We are so proud that you have made the important decision to join as a new member. 

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The Board of Directors encourages you to read the “New Member Newsletter” to acquaint yourself with the culture and traditions of the organization so you won’t miss a minute of the rewarding benefits of membership.

Hopefully, after you have had the opportunity to learn more about the organization, you will choose an area where you would like to lend your experience and expertise to the organization’s mission. We are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact any Board Member. This is YOUR organization and we need YOU to be successful!

Thank you again for your decision!

New Member Newsletter

CONGRATULATIONS on your decision to become a member of the Kerr County Women’s Chamber. We are very pleased you have chosen to join us and welcome you to our organization. We look forward to you sharing your time and talents toward the pursuits of our mission to enhance the Kerr County area through charitable, civic, and environmental projects and programs.

As is true in all aspects of our lives, the more you are involved and give of yourself, the better life is for you and those around you. The same will be true of your membership in the Women’s Chamber. The more you are involved and contribute to the organization, the more you will cherish the work of this dedicated group of women. There are many ways you can choose to be involved…all you have to do is volunteer to serve on a committee, task force or give your time for the many projects that always need more people to make them work well.

Since 1972, the Women’s Chamber has been diligent in its efforts to be of service to the community. As you read this New Member Newsletter, we hope you will gain a sense of pride and ownership of your organization.

Please contact any of our board members if you ever have a question or if we can help you in any way. We value your ideas or suggestions!

KCWC History

Since its inception in 1972, the Women’s Chamber (formerly known as the Women’s Division of the Kerrville Area Chamber of Commerce) has worked diligently for over 50 years to be of service to our community.

Through our members who have volunteered their time and talents much has been accomplished. These accomplishments include:

  • Promoting and participating in clean-ups of our community, countrysides, and highways.
  • Improving and enhancing parks and boulevards and giving Beautification Awards to owners of yards, historical buildings, and parks for their improvements, as well as adopted tree wells downtown.
  • We assisted in obtaining trees and other plants to help beautify the area including Trees at the Kerr County Courthouse, Elm Creek Park, the Omega Life Center, and the Dietert Center. KCWC also provided benches at Peterson Regional Medical Center’s Patients’ Garden.
  • Providing scholarships for women through the "Women Helping Women" scholarship fund.
  • Recognizing outstanding women in the county with the "Outstanding Woman of the Year" award.
  • Holiday Lighting Projects (Tranquility Island in Louise Hays Park).
  • Time Capsule 2000.
  • The Goodwill Committee selects various causes during the year and assists them in providing items or funding for identified need(s). For example, Helping local food banks.
  • “Volunteers to Go” program where our members assist other non-profits and community events with our volunteers throughout the year.

Membership Meetings

The Kerr County Women’s Chamber meets on the first Wednesday of every month. The meeting begins at 12:00 noon at The Kroc Community Center (201 Holdsworth Drive).

A buffet luncheon is served and includes wonderful salads, vegetables, and hot entrees. And, if that isn’t enough, decadent desserts are available. The buffet begins at 11:30 a.m. allowing members and guests to enjoy lunch and visit before the meeting begins. The cost for the luncheon is $15.00 (credit cards are accepted). One special note: the use of the facility for our meetings is contingent upon each person attending to purchase a buffet.

Reservations are made when a Communication Committee member contacts you to find out if you will be attending.  (Once a reservation is made, it is the member’s responsibility to pay for lunch.)

Outside the chapel, there will be a membership welcome table with name tags, membership forms and newsletters. In the middle of each dining table, important information is placed prior to the meeting that you will find useful. These items include meeting agenda, financial reports, and local announcements.

Some fun activities that take place at our meetings include door prizes - everyone attending automatically receives one ticket for the door prize drawing and those wearing a KCWC name tag receive TWO chances! A separate ticket will be given at the donation table for your donation. Name tags and shirts may be purchased.

The Business Meeting is called to order at 12:00 noon. Following the invocation and pledge of allegiance, reading of the minutes, and the Treasurer’s Report, The Hospitality Committee introduces new members and guests that have joined us at the meeting. Committee reports and other KCWC business are presented and any issues needing membership approval are voted upon. A guest speaker gives a 15-minute presentation.

A note about voting – any member in good standing is invited to make motions and when appropriate, second. Votes taken are by viva voce.

If you have any comments, suggestions, or questions about our meetings, please do not hesitate to talk with a KCWC officer.


The Kerr County Women’s Chamber belongs to each member. This pride of ownership carries with it the responsibility to serve whenever possible. Each member’s participation is vital to our mission to be of service to our community.

Hopefully, after each new member has had time to become acquainted with the organization, our culture and traditions, they will begin to think about assuming leadership positions by chairing committees, serving on the Board of Directors or becoming an officer.

In our membership directory (available at website with password) the by-laws of the KCWC are available. Please take a moment to read through the by-laws to acquaint yourself with the precepts by which the organization is guided.

Other useful information such as description of officer duties, committee descriptions and the procedures for new officer selection is also explained.

The Board, which consists of officers and committee chairs, meets on the last Wednesday of every month. At this meeting, issues to be brought before the membership are discussed and committee chairs have the opportunity to discuss their committee’s activities. Certain issues, as set out by the by-laws, are decided at the Board level and reported to the membership. Other issues are agreed upon by the Board as issues to be presented to the general membership for their final approval.

Anyone wishing to have a matter brought before the Board may do so by contacting an officer or by asking a committee chair to make the matter known to the Board. A list of officers and committee heads is in every newsletter. This is for your convenience to allow easy communication and access to those who have agreed to serve in leadership positions for the year.

The KCWC Parliamentarian is charged with the responsibility of insuring that all business of the organization is conducted under Roberts Rules of Order and meets with the procedures set out in the KCWC by-laws.

Annual Calendar

The KCWC year consists of a wide variety of events, programs, and activities. While most are annual, from time to time special activities are planned as the need arises. The following list will give you an idea of the opportunities to get involved:


Installation of new officers, the President’s Annual Report, annual awards, annual budget, and planning meeting. The scholarship committee begins interviews. The Christian Women’s Job Corps interns are honored at this General Meeting. Members sponsor the graduate lunches.


"Women Helping Women" Scholarship recipients are recognized at KCWC general meeting.


"Veterans Appreciation" Event in lieu of the General Meeting. Members are asked to contribute dishes for a potluck dinner and invite veterans.


“Outstanding Woman of the Year” Committee Chair begins accepting applications from our community.


Annual Kerrville Chamber of Commerce Banquet and announcement of “Outstanding Woman of Year” award.


The Christian Women’s Job Corps Interns are honored guests at the luncheon. Members sponsor the graduate lunches. Holiday Lighting – “Forest of Trees” at Tranquility Island. Members have participated in the Holiday Parade Downtown Kerrville in the past with the "Outstanding Woman of the Year" on board a lighted float. Volunteers are always needed on Parade day.


The annual KCWC Christmas Party has become the “event” of the year. Taking the place of the December meeting, the KCWC Christmas Party is a time of fellowship and sharing the spirit of the season! The organization selects a community cause to assist during the Christmas Season.


“Women Helping Women” Scholarship applications are distributed and accepted through April 30th. Nominating Committee elected to begin planning for officer elections for the year beginning May 1.


Parliamentarian announces slate of officers. Votes are taken from the floor of the general meeting to accept the slate of nominees. Board votes on KCWC annual awards at the Board of Directors meeting. KCWC Anniversary Celebration (Every 5 years - The next celebration will be in 2027).

Special Projects

Scholarships for Women/Awards

One of the highest priorities for the KCWC is the “Women Helping Women” scholarships awarded each year. Scholarships are awarded to women based on financial need (high school students are not eligible). Often recipients are women struggling to complete their studies or working full-time and going to school at night.

The “Women Helping Women” Scholarship committee reviews the applications of women trying to further their education and are in need of financial help through scholarships. Applications are accepted January – April and scholarships are awarded at the June general meeting. Additionally, each scholarship recipient has a sponsor member for her lunch.


Each month the Beautification Committee gives an award to individuals, businesses or organizations for their effort in improving our county.

Tranquility Island Holiday Lighting

The “Forest of Trees” Holiday Lighting project was initiated by our beloved departed Charter Member Marj Nicholson, and is being developed and enhanced on the Tranquility Island in Louise Hays park on the Guadalupe River.

Welcome and Ribbon Cuttings

The Welcome Committee is charged with a very important responsibility and each member is asked to help. Each month, representatives of the KCWC attend ribbon-cutting ceremonies at new businesses. Each representative presents a rose and invites the owners to our general meeting luncheon.

At each monthly KCWC meeting, the list of ribbon cuttings and new businesses will be announced and each member will have the opportunity to volunteer to attend as a KCWC representative. We ask as many of our members as can to attend in their red shirts to thank this group for choosing Kerrville.

Speakers and Programs

The 1st Vice President is responsible for arranging our monthly programs. The program portion of our meeting is given 15-20 minutes to allow us to enjoy the speaker and time to conduct the business meeting. The topics can be on a variety of subjects related to women’s issues, health, or of general interest.

Should you have an idea, desire to be included as a speaker, or know of someone who would, please contact the 1st Vice President.

KCWC Annual Awards to our own members are important in order to recognize those members who have made outstanding contributions in a given year. These awards include the Community
Achievement Award, 2nd Miler Award, the New Horizon Award, and occasionally a President’s Award.

Door Prizes

Each month, members (either individually or through their business) may volunteer to bring door prizes to be awarded at the general membership meetings.

If you would like to participate as a door prize contributor, please bring the item with your name or business name to the general meeting.

New Members/Guests

As a new member, you are encouraged to share your excitement with friends or business acquaintances that you think might benefit from membership or have special talents to share with the KCWC. Guests of members are introduced by our Hostess Chair.

Please feel free to invite your new prospective member to a meeting, share the monthly newsletters, or bring them with you to a KCWC event so they can experience the value of the organization to our community.

We hope you’ll pass on the good news about KCWC!


The KCWC publishes a monthly newsletter meant to keep members up-to-date on activities and promote good communication about the organization. While much of the newsletter is devoted to KCWC current events, we welcome members’ ideas and contributions, and they may be included on a space-available basis. If you are a member whose schedule conflicts frequently with the meeting, you can read the Newsletter on this website or on Facebook.

Polos and Name Tags

KCWC polo shirts are available for purchase at the general meeting. Please see our membership chair and her committee at the table near the front door. Shirts are available for $25.00. You are requested to obtain a polo as soon as possible because members will wear these polos when we are working an event. Name tags are available for $10.00 and are worn when we are representing KCWC. Don’t forget the extra chance to win a prize at the monthly meeting if you wear your name tag!

Volunteers To Go

KCWC members who enjoy helping as a volunteer ambassador with other members of the Good Will Committee provide the needed volunteer workforce requested for special events in the local community as needed. Each KCWC volunteer wears our red polo when at certain special events.

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